mashonaland fixed



The aims and objectives of Zimbabwe Nomads can be summarized as follows:

  • To encourage and promote, foster and support the game of golf and in particular to provide a service as may be used for the benefit of golf.
  • To generate funds which may be distributed in the furtherance of golf and to such charitable causes as Nomads may deem proper.
  • To provide an opportunity for members in all walks of life to meet one another at least once a month in order to make and/or cement new and/or old friendships.
  • To work in harmony with any recognized Golf Union wheresoever and to obtain for all members of Nomads the advantages and benefits of such relationship.
  • To do anything that might be expedient, necessary or desirable to further the aims and objectives of Nomads, or which may be incidental thereto including the appointment or removal of honorary or paid officials of Nomads.